Discount: 3 € reduction on regular admission fee*

Discover Art, Design, Fashion and Architecture

The MAK, founded in 1863 under Emperor Franz Joseph I as the Imperial Royal Austrian Museum of Art and Industry, is one of the most grandiose buildings on Vienna’s Ringstraße. Located between the nearby Stadtpark and the University of Applied Arts Vienna, the MAK with its collection of about 900.000 objects and printed works ranks among the most important museums of its kind worldwide.

Precious handicrafts

The MAK houses a unique collection of precious arts and crafts from the fields of furniture, glass, porcelain, silver, and textiles dating from the Middle Ages until today. Contemporary artists and present selected highlights of the MAK Collection designed the spacious exhibition rooms.

In addition, there are many top-class special exhibitions from the fields of art, design, fashion, and architecture.

Your benefit with the QueerCityPass Vienna: 3 € reduction at MAK*

*The discount must be redeemed on-site at the checkout.



© Bildrechte / Photo Credits: MAK - Museum für angewandte Kunst, Hertha Hurnaus, , Katrin Wißkirchen, Stefan Lux, Mona heiß

Special opening times

For current opening hours please visit our partner’s website!