Cologne is not only party-loving and cosmopolitan at carnival time. Lesbian, gay, and queer people are an integral part of the city.
The Rubicon Association has all the important information about queer life in the city and is also the place to go if a homophobic or transphobic assault does occur.
Tips for queer scene visits and events in Cologne:
From the Schaafenstraßenfest on the gay boulevard mile of the same name, to CSD, to lesbian and gay bars and clubs.
A special lesbian highlight in Cologne is the Dyke* March Cologne
How many gays, lesbians and trans people actually live in Cologne? Of course, there are no exact statistics on this. Estimates suggest that a particularly large number of queer people live in big cities, approximately 10%. That would be upward of 10,000 people in Cologne.