Discount: 2 € per QueerCityPass holder and tour

World War II And The Third Reich In Berlin

Join us on a thought-provoking walking tour through Berlin’s former Nazi government quarter and take a deep delve into the city’s history during WWII and the rise of Hitler.

On this tour, you will find out exactly where the key ministries were located as well as learn about Hitler’s ambition for the capital city with the help and vision of his architect Albert Speer. Your professional tour guide will be able to tell you more about Hitler’s rise to power and how some Germans resisted the regime.

Learn about Jewish Life in Berlin before 1933 and how everyday life in the Jewish quarter changed with the rise of the Nazi party and Adolf Hitler.

World War II And The Third Reich

Locations visited include the former Jewish quarter, the site of Goebbels’ Propaganda Ministry, Goering’s Air Ministry (Luftwaffe Headquarters), Himmler’s SS and Gestapo Headquarters, the New Reich Chancellery and where the so-called “People’s Hall” would have stood.  Finish your tour where the Nazis’ reign of terror came to an end: in front of Germany’s parliament, the Reichstag, where Soviet forces were placing their flag above a ruined Berlin whilst the Führer prepared to commit suicide not even 1km away.

A must-do for history buffs!

Your Benefit with EasyCityPass Berlin: 2 € discount per ticket holder and tour on regular adult tickets with the code Easypass*.

*online at select the desired tour, enter the code Easypass in the booking process at check out, and save 2 € on each ticket in the shopping cart.


© Bildrechte / Photo Credits: original berlin walks

Special opening times

Please check the partner website for tour dates and times!